DPA Residential Design Studio

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The Commons at Woodland Park


Client Name: Sandy Fleschman
Project Address: Woodland Park, CA
Website Address: www.thecommonsatwoodlandhills.com/
Levels of Care: Assisted Living & Memory Care
Building Area: 83,453 SF
Number of Units: 139 AL, 25 MC / 25Beds


The Commons at Woodland Hills is an existing three-story building which was reclassified from an R2.1 & R2.2 to an R2.1.  The remodel  included adding common space and new assisted living (AL) units as well as converting 25 AL units into memory care units.  Various site improvements such as a revised parking layout, additional parking spaces, and a new outdoor dining courtyard were also made.


The south side façade of the existing building has been completely updated.  Windows were replaced, painted shutters were added, and the red brick at the first floor was painted white.  Also added were new balcony railings and post details, a trellis at the second floor patio, and updated fixtures and wrought iron embellishments.


The building's U-shape design opens toward the east and features a redesigned and landscaped courtyard with a shaded trellis sitting area.

The Commons at Woodland Park Project Videos

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